Saturday, March 24, 2012

Life after Death... What happens after your last breath?

What happens after death? Heaven? hell? Disappear from existence? Or evolve?

     Well I'm going to start by saying when you die your body weighs 2.6 grams less, why well in theory that electrical charge ceases and so the weight from it is gone. Now everyone knows energy is neither created nor does it disappear. So in theory your mind needs a vessel to occupy or it would not exist. So what if when you die your consciousness occupies this energy. Which brings to mind energy goes to energy, so if this were true heaven would probably be a hive mind of energy collect or drawn to by the mind. Or if you had an intelligence that had the ability to occupy energy would it not be able to control it. Dictate where it went its size. Could explain ghost and why it gets cold when their around. Anyway what other way could god exist and manipulate so many factors and elements to create a universe and humans and be a god! If it were not energy or able to manipulate energy how could it do what it claims to do?

God Theory

So we all have had to answer a question of beliefs and religions for ourselves since the inception of the idea into human societies. While I have questioned such things and their very existence this is what I came up with.

      God can exist and so can chaos, god being the entity that created all things in a perfect balance so that the creation of an intelligent life in a mortal body can exist, chaos being a random string of  coincidental events occurring at random , where the creation of life through evolution occurs.

    Now if god is a creator who created it, you see there has to be a beginning in my mind. So did something create it or did it come into existence through chaos? Even if something created god its predecessor had to be created or evolved. so ill just draw the line with humanity and god.

     So if god is a creator than does that means evolution does not exist? Well if u look at it as god had to go through prototypes to get to his ultimate creation which can explain the evidence of earlier evolution of man. It can support the idea that these were just first run trials. You also have the other earth like worlds and solar systems could they be experiments?  On the other hand you have substantial evidence of how planets,  solar systems, and evolution can occur. More so than that of divine creation. Think about it, viruses evolve our immune system adapts. Different people from different geological areas look different.

    So my conclusion is one of a middle road. God can exist, the idea of he created us not to evolve is insane! Or we would never change, never get sick, never learn, the world would be exactly the same, weather would never change, and so on. So the perfect creation in my mind would be one you never had to touch again, it would improve on its own. So it would be created to evolve a world would be self correcting, its like an equation both sides have to equal out.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Whoever coined the name mermaid. May they be a creation or simply a name given like the rose to a flower. cideous in origin or innocent, were it men who conjured or forced an evolution? What ever it may be lines have been drawn and crossed! Demons within men and mermaids at the front of a battle started long ago driven by a desire for ones true love. In a search for such a perfect match you must first find out what perfection is, making choices in mates that may not have been wrong but premature. Even the most experienced do not evade the blows or work themselves in a perfect fluidity of motions to avoid those around them.   

Casualties are numberless, despite purest intentions on either side even the good lay waist deep in bodies! The day you realize that your armor and demons are better left in the closet while you toil in the fields, while a mermaid that has shed her tail for legs passes by that her beauty will freeze time just so time itself may linger in her company. Only then will you realize that the dating scene was not loves true war but just preparing you for the trials to come.