You see the things that are dictated to be important by societies standards are simply based on quality of life and the immediate problems of society. Amenities and quick fix technology that make life comfortable and easier but, because of humanities short sighted selfish handicapped thinking geared towards meeting their own carnal needs and gaining more than they need. We have stifled our abilities to constantly progress. Few have been able to see past personal gains both for ones own life or for the country they are loyal too based on belief. We as humanity often find ourselves stuck on one level of existence and comprehension over the centuries starting from the fertile crescent to modern day sciences. Humanity has overcome great obstacles since its creation or evolution to a intelligent life form depending On your belief, but based on both we have been given the potential to adapt and overcome extreme adversity. It does not just end there, we have been given the potential to surpass our own expectations to control and shape our own destiny and ecosystem. Further our own existence and future not based off of monetary gains (though the potential for it is there and will be the driving factor in humanities advances in the future) it is the simple fact that humanity has problems that must be solved. Based upon human nature of greed and power in the immediate future for our own personal advancement in society we have exhausted every level of advancement we have ever achieved and only propelled further because of one mans idea or invention, political unrest in a countries population that spreads throughout the World, Inevitably causing global reform. Now before this gets monotonous and I seem like a crazed mad man bent on bashing modern society ill make my point.
We as humanity are divided by many differences but inevitably connected by a dependence upon people on the other side of the world whom we have never met. Now not to side track but this will help you understand what I am saying: I forget where I heard it from but I once heard a statement that inspired me it said that every human life we destroy could have cured cancer or soled our energy problems or any one of the infinite problems that humanity will have to over come. Now to further my argument we as humanity must stop looking to quick solutions and band aids to our problems and always be looking for a better answer often taking risks that all philosophers, humanitarians, inventors and proprietors Have taken. Yes maybe one in a million will be successful but at least a million tried. These one in a million might become two or three or five hundred, maybe even one million if we work as a team contributing to the solving of one problem. Maybe a million ideas well lead to one solution. I also heard once that has stuck with me that the best way to gain knowledge and understanding is to be the antagonistic force to mainstream ideology. We will never I repeat never have these million ideas or ever reach humanities potential unless we utilise every intelligent resource we possess and what is more intelligent than the human mind designed by god or through evolution to be the most efficient problem solving thing humanity has to offer. Why, why do we focus so much on taking money away from education when we must be investing more into it! Money is made by people who have an understanding and competence in their field of work. These people are made by education and reinforcement of the psyche by ethical beliefs. These people are hired by companies, companies give them money to figure out how to make money or simply make a quality good or service to make money which in turn makes our society advance.
Point all that in the right direction and you have one competitive race all working for the same goals to make the next advancement, taking the risk, reaping the benefits and improving our own existence. Why can't we understand that economical prosperity. Is not in pathetic personal amenities ( not saying I don't appreciate them) but in giving the world the next advancement its a never ending cycle. That we fail to support. The people are there educate them all, utilise them all and our resources so that we continue down the road of evolutionary change gaining a further knowledge of mankind and our surroundings. If you believe in god ur belief in we are here to learn overcome obstacles and grow. Hello that's not just personal its species wide, why in the universe would god send u here to worry about yourself if he teaches charity and watches over all of us. Oh by the way evolutions you do not escape this either because I believe the saying goes united we stand divided we fall. No one has gained a position of power, status, or monetary gain without working with a larger body that support your ideals or have something to gain. Thank you for reading the rantings of a drunken mad man. Please worry about what's best for everyone and you will be taking care of yourself. It all starts will i education, knowledge, risk, investment and creation of an idea or solution that will always be marketable to a global economy.
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